Territorial features of renewable energy in Russia

Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting

The use of renewable energy sources (RES) significantly reduces the human impact on the natural environment, minimizes the amount of unused secondary waste, and also has a beneficial effect on the economic and social needs of society. Scientists from all over the world are discovering new opportunities every year for the gradual realization of the eco-future of all mankind. In this study, the following renewable energy sources are considered: solar energy, biomass, geothermal, wind energy, and hydropower. Examples of partial implementation of these RES objects are given, as well as examples of their integration into the urban space. Recommendations are offered on the use of each certain type of energy source for different regions of Russia. The authors propose to implement in the southern regions of the country a complex system for the processing of solar energy, and in the region of the extreme north - wind. For the Far Eastern District and Kamchatka, it is recommended to pay attention to geothermal resources. In the agricultural regions of the country, for example in the Volga region, the most effective is the use of bioenergetic resources.