Engineering polymer systems with self-healing functionality to enhance structural longevity

Building Materials

The object of research is polymer Systems with Self-Healing Functionality. This work aims to thoroughly analyze the manifold strategies employed to integrate self-healing capabilities into polymer systems. The investigation evaluates their effectiveness across diverse applications and delves into the broader implications of these materials for promoting sustainability in construction practices. Method., The study navigates through the intricate technical aspects of self-healing mechanisms employing a critical and comparative methodology. It scrutinizes microencapsulated healing agents, intrinsic self-healing polymers, and bioinspired approaches, critically evaluating the strengths and limitations of each method. The assessment considers their suitability for varying applications and material types. Furthermore, exploring nanotechnology's potential to enhance self-healing capabilities and introduce novel functionalities is intricately discussed. Results. The findings of this review underscore the promising potential of self-healing polymer systems to revolutionize the construction industry. The diverse mechanisms offer prospects for prolonged structural longevity, diminished maintenance burdens, and heightened sustainability. Nevertheless, challenges persist in optimizing healing efficiencies, addressing material compatibility issues, and advancing cost-effective and scalable production methods. These insights provide a foundation for future research and development in the field, paving the way for the practical implementation of self-healing polymer systems in sustainable construction practices.