Self-healing building materials: The future of construction

Building Materials

The object of research is Self-healing building materials. This work aims to comprehensively analyze the diverse mechanisms employed in self-healing building materials, assess their effectiveness across various materials and applications, and explore the broader implications of these materials for the future of construction. Method. This research scrutinizes the technical aspects of self-healing mechanisms employing a critical and comparative approach. The analysis includes examining microcapsule-based systems, bioinspired approaches, and intrinsic healing through shape-memory polymers. The strengths and limitations of each method are critically evaluated, considering their suitability for different material types and construction scenarios. Additionally, the potential of nanotechnology to enhance self-healing capabilities and introduce novel functionalities is discussed. Results. The findings reveal the promising potential of self-healing building materials to revolutionize the construction industry. The diverse mechanisms showcased potential benefits like prolonged lifespan, reduced maintenance burdens, and enhanced sustainability. However, challenges remain in optimizing healing efficiencies, overcoming cost barriers, and ensuring long-term material durability.