Accident rate in construction in Russia and the Czech Republic


In addition to the visible result, an illustration of the high quality of construction work is the qualitative provision of safety and labor safety, the main indicator of which is the level of industrial injuries on the site, in the enterprise and in the industry as a whole. The article analyzes the causes of injuries on construction sites in Russia and the Czech Republic, presents the statistical data on injuries and deaths over the years, identifies similarities and differences in the field of injuries. Despite the development of technology, analysis of the causes of injuries showed that the level of injuries is high everywhere. The issues of strengthening control over the observance of safety rules and labor discipline, as well as the introduction of the most advanced methods for preventing injuries in construction, optimization of management methods and work organization remain relevant.control over the observance of safety rules and labor discipline, as well as the introduction of the most advanced methods for preventing injuries in construction, optimization of management methods and work organization remain relevant