Fire resistance of enclosing structures in modular construction. A review

Fire safety in construction

Modular building systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages over the traditional construction method. The advantages of modular construction include shortening the construction period and improving the quality of building structures. The object of the research is fire-resistant enclosing structures made from ready-made factory blocks (modules). Method. The review article uses a general scientific method of synthesis and analysis of information. Results. The scientometric analysis was conducted using two scientific databases, Scopus and The Lens. Quantitative analysis revealed that the topic under consideration is developing and promising, and the number of scientific papers grows yearly. The most actively involved in this topic are Perera D., Rajanayagam H., Gatheeshgar P., and Poologanathan K. Most of the scientific work and developments in this area have been done in Australia and the UK. The article discusses the most modern scientific work on the fire resistance of modular facades (ventilated, additive, translucent, wooden, sandwich panels) modular partitions (sandwich panels, frame-modular building systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages over the traditional construction method.