The concept of a footbridge, that leading to the Lakhta Center

Building constructions, buildings and structures

Lakhta Center is a grandiose project of modernity. People used the most advanced materials and equipment to create it. Construction will be completed at 2018. Huge streams of people want to look at the modern creation of St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, Primorsky region is not able to withstand such a huge stream of tourists and residents of the city. At the moment, the pedestrian accessibility of the Lahta Center is extremely small. One way to solve this problem is to ensure the accessibility of the Lakhta Center by a pedestrian bridge, that leading from the 300th anniversary park of St. Petersburg. At the same time, model of bridge is in modern architectural design and contains all the requirements of bridge construction. The work consists of sections, including the analysis of existing projects, the analysis of pedestrian accessibility, the creation of the concept of a pedestrian bridge of the present, an opinion survey of the Primorsky region residents, functional and distinctive features of the bridge