Adaptive lighting control systems in smart buildings

Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting

The function of track lighting is of great importance to restore the normal functioning of the human biorhythms. The method of control of the block "light control" in the system "Smart home" was investigated. The paper will present the design of the block of automatic control of light penetration into the house, depending on the external lighting. Based on the currently used components developed schemes that allow to determine the level of light and based on the data provided to adjust the illumination of the rooms of the house. The defining parameters are the level of external illumination and the level of illumination of the zones inside the room. Also, the scheme was modeled in the Grasshopper software package, as a result, the design of the lighting control system was proposed, which gives the advantages not only of a comfortable stay, but also increases the energy efficiency of the building.