Economic efficiency of the use of self-lifting formwork and inventory formwork in high-rise construction

Строительная механика

The object of research is the building of the National Space Center in Moscow. Method.  During research, the provisions of system analysis, methods of expert assessments, risk theory, methods of economic and mathematical modeling, simulation modeling, comparative method, method of generalization, abstraction, induction, and deduction were used. Results. The analysis of theoretical sources and calculated data based on the project of a high–rise construction object was carried out, because of which the criteria for the characteristics of the object were established, providing conditions for the economically profitable use of self–lifting formwork, and a financial and economic model for justifying investments in this project was built. The benefit of building high-rise buildings in a specific example using self-lifting formwork was approximately 1.3 times. This circumstance justifies the economic benefit of using self-lifting formwork for the construction of the core of a high-rise building.