Selection of plants for extensive green roofs in climate zone A: A review

Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения

Countries in Climate Zone A have much to gain from implementing green roofs as a climate change adaptation measure. Due to the limited research on green roofs in Climate Zone A, the components of a green roof suitable to these geographical locations have not yet been identified. One of the major barriers to increasing the prevalence of green roofs in these regions is the lack of proven plant species suited to green roofs in the tropics. The main objective of this study was to develop a plant screening tool that can identify the plant species that can survive and be aesthetically pleasing in an extensive green roof in Climate Zone A. The methodology of this study consisted of a review of the existing knowledge on factors that influence the selection of plants for extensive green roofs. These factors were then critically analyzed for their relevance to Climate Zone A. The result of this analysis was a plant selection matrix that can identify the plant species putatively suited for extensive green roofs in the tropics. This developed plant selection matrix can provide the green infrastructure industry in Climate Zone A with a greater knowledge for plant selection.